Supplementary consultation exhibition on proposed IGET development

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The supplementary consultation is on the proposed Immingham Green Energy Terminal at the port.

The public are being invited to attend an exhibition as part of the supplementary consultation on the proposed Immingham Green Energy Terminal (IGET) development at the Port of Immingham. 

Associated British Ports (ABP) is submitting a proposal to construct and operate a new multi-user green energy terminal to be located on the eastern side of the port. The project includes a green hydrogen production facility to be constructed and operated by Air Products.

This supplementary consultation reflects several refinements which have been made to the scheme following the original statutory consultation earlier this year.

Changes to the proposed IGET development:

Landside works

  • Amendments to the proposed site boundary
  • Routing of the pipe rack and jetty access road in the Long Strip woodland
  • West site illustrative layout, elevation, and drainage
  • Construction vehicle numbers increasing to deliver additional fill materials for the West Site
  • Permanent adjustment to speed limits on Laporte Road
  • Public Rights of Way diversion (Public Bridleway 36) and removal of informal access in two areas
  • Temporary removal of Kings Road street furniture and overhead line works

Marine works  

  • Marine design changes including Jetty alignment and length; berth arrangement and associated requirements

Members of the public can view the plans at the Burton Hall in Immingham Civic Centre on Thursday 22 June from 2pm to 6pm and Saturday 24 June from 10am to 2pm. The formal consultation which began on Wednesday 24 May will end on Thursday 20 July 2023.

All consultation documents, including an addendum to the Preliminary Environmental Information Report, are available to view and download online at: