Future Ports: Wales Vision
How ports can help deliver Wales' coming transformation
This is our overarching vision for our network of ports in South Wales – Swansea, Port Talbot, Barry, Cardiff and Newport.
Here, we show how our ports have a major role to play in helping Wales address the big challenges posed by decarbonisation and digitisation – and show how the ports allow us to turn those challenges into hugely significant economic, social and environmental opportunities.
To do that, we have set out four big port-centric ‘missions’ that will help us create a dynamic approach to the issues, and build a new growth coalition with our partners.
Here, we are focusing on what is changing. But some things will stay the same: our commitment to connect Wales to the global economy, and Keep Britain Trading.
Vision map video
We have set out our vision as a one page ‘vision map’. This video will talk you through it.
Full Vision paper
The best way of viewing an e-copy of the vision paper is on full page setting in this document viewer. The viewer also allows you to download a file that is good for double-sided printing.
Vision paper - simple web layout
Click here if you want a stand-alone web-formatted PDF.
Click here to read the stand-alone web-formatted PDF in Welsh.
Future Ports: Port Talbot
Transformational change for the next industrial revolution
Read our vision for Port Talbot
Future Ports: Newport Masterplan
Towards a new growth pathway for the port and city
What do you think?
We welcome your comments, ideas and improvements. Please get in touch at [email protected]