Next Step in Grimsby’s Car Evolution Takes Shape with ABP

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Our property division brings together an unrivalled land bank spanning 21 multi-modal locations around the country, with 960 hectares of port-based development land.


Drawing on 60 years of experience, ABP Marine Environmental Research (ABPmer) provides specialist marine environmental research and consultancy services.

UK Dredging

UK Dredging (UKD) operates the largest British-owned dredging fleet and specialises in the provision of reliable and cost effective port maintenance dredging services.

The Grimsby River Terminal officially opened in 2013 after a £26 million investment from ABP.

ABP has applied to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to expand its Grimsby River Terminal (GRT) in order to be able to handle the world’s largest car carriers. 

The application is the critical first step in the consenting process to extend the existing berthing infrastructure, as well as deepen the berthing pocket through dredging. These improvements will enable the terminal, which can already handle two 175 m long vessels simultaneously, to further support the automotive sector.

If approved, the port operator will commit a multi-million pound investment to the site which will see vessels able to contain almost 9,000 vehicles, berth alongside.

Ashley Curnow ABP Port Manager for Grimsby

“For many years Grimsby has been at the forefront of the movement of cars in the UK industry. This development will take us to the next exciting level. The port already has a proud history behind it and a bold future ahead.”

A response from the MMO is expected imminently.

The Port of Grimsby is already playing a pivotal role in the Grimsby Town Deal, which promises to deliver thousands of new jobs. The ground-breaking £67 million first stage of the project commenced in July 2018 and included a project named the Greater Grimsby Heritage Action Zone. Through this project, ABP has started to regenerate areas within the Kasbah by actively marketing disused buildings to local businesses.

The first of which, a former fish merchant building, was taken on by charity Creative Start who plan to open up a creative workshop, established to support Armed Forces veterans and people in recovery from addition, later on this year.