Our property division brings together an unrivalled land bank spanning 21 multi-modal locations around the country, with 960 hectares of port-based development land.
Drawing on 60 years of experience, ABP Marine Environmental Research (ABPmer) provides specialist marine environmental research and consultancy services.
UK Dredging (UKD) operates the largest British-owned dredging fleet and specialises in the provision of reliable and cost effective port maintenance dredging services.
The seventeen year tonnage-handling milestone of just over 421,690 tonnes was achieved thanks to ABP’s programme of continuous investment in port infrastructure and equipment, and Brett Aggregates’ investment in a new processing plant and rail capacity at the Port of Ipswich. In comparison with 2016, the year 2017 saw the handling of an extra 90,361 tonnes by the Port, representing a 27% year on year increase.
Brett Aggregates operates a terminal within the Port of Ipswich where marine-dredged aggregates arrive by ship from East Coast UK offshore sites. Material is stored and processedon site for delivery to customers by road, rail or sea for use in concrete manufacture and other construction projects in and around the Capital.
Adam Smith General Manager, Brett Aggregates – Eastern
“These improvements have increased our annual capacity and further strengthens our ability to respond to demand as opportunities arise. Our team on site and our close relationship with the team at ABP has been key to delivering the upgrades.”
Other highlights in 2017, included ABP Ipswich and Brett Aggregates winning the annual Rail Freight Group (RFG) Community and Environmental Responsibility Award for their work in developing a new rail-based flow from the Port of Ipswich to London Concrete in Watford.
The new rail flow has brought significant environmental and community benefits when compared with road transport. Since January 2016, nearly 100,000 tonnes of product have been transported by rail as a result of this project, representing more than a fifth of Brett Aggregates’ throughput at the Port of Ipswich. Each 1,100-tonne trainload removes nearly 40 lorry movements from the UK road system. Delivering this volume would have meant nearly 750,000 road miles, some 46,000 miles each month, or nearly twice the circumference of the earth.
Andrew Harston ABP Short Sea Ports Director
“We are proud to have worked with our customers Brett Aggregates to enable them to set a new 17 year volume record at ABP Ipswich and we are committed to continuing to improve port facilities to contribute to further business growth in 2018.
“By working closely together with Brett Aggregates we have not only won new business to rail and to the Port of Ipswich, we have also successfully rolled out new to rail business projects, which will improve connectivity and facilitate sustainable growth by moving product by rail. ”