Our property division brings together an unrivalled land bank spanning 21 multi-modal locations around the country, with 960 hectares of port-based development land.
Drawing on 60 years of experience, ABP Marine Environmental Research (ABPmer) provides specialist marine environmental research and consultancy services.
UK Dredging (UKD) operates the largest British-owned dredging fleet and specialises in the provision of reliable and cost effective port maintenance dredging services.
Left Image Caption: UKD Ops Superintendent, Will Wye running the Newport fun run with his family
Right Image Caption: 2019 ABP Newport 10k – ABP Pilot Jeff Steele (left) and UKD Ops Superintendent Will Wye (right)
Can you introduce yourself to our readers and describe your role at ABP?
I work for UK Dredging (UKD), which is a division of Associated British Ports (ABP) and the largest British-owned dredging fleet. My role as Operations Superintendent involves supporting the Operations Manager with the management of UKD’s fleet. Our vessels and crew provide the majority of the dredging support for ABP’s 21 ports and we also provide dredging services to many other ports and businesses around the UK.
In my role I am responsible for planning and overseeing the delivery of dredge campaigns, working closely with our vessel crews and clients to ensure that we deliver the results required to continue to keep our ports and waterways navigable and open for business.
I have worked for UK Dredging for 9 years and enjoy the diversity and interaction that my current role brings, no two days are ever the same!
This year, I’m running the Newport 10K and family run and I think it’s great that ABP offers colleagues the chance to take part in sporting and community activities like this. At ABP we have a ‘Beyond Zero’ culture, which promotes both physical and mental health and aims to create a great place to work.
How long have you been running and have you participated in many events?
I have been running all of my adult life and have enjoyed many running events. I have completed several half marathons including the Cardiff World Half Marathon and Silverstone Half Marathon which took in a lap of the Grand Prix circuit. I have also enjoyed numerous 10K races. In the last few years I have also taken up trail running and have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in some night time trail races with the darkness adding a whole new dimension to things.
What do you like most about running and what would you say are the most challenging parts?
I really enjoy the accessibility of running; you don’t need to be the world’s best to challenge yourself. You can put your shoes on and go straight from your front door. I find it good for my state of mind as well as my physical wellbeing and it’s a great way to take some time out to clear my head. I also enjoy pushing myself and setting a target for an event, the adrenaline rush and nerves at the start line and the satisfaction when it all comes together and you achieve your goal, whether that’s finishing the race, trying a new discipline or getting that elusive personal best. For me the 10K distance is perfect as I find that I can push myself competitively over that distance but that also presents me with the greatest challenge, finding ways to improve and better my previous result.
Do you have any memorable running experience/story you’d like to share?
Following the 2019 ABP Newport 10K I completed the family mile with my wife and 3 year old son. It was such a fantastic event - so friendly and relaxed. My son Ben absolutely loved it, he ran from start to finish and smiled all the way and he cannot wait to return this year and is determined to go faster. It was a fantastic experience running my son’s first race with him.
If you could give one piece of advice to runners, what would it be?
Just prepare as best as you can and then trust your training and try and enjoy it!